KI4RDP Here:
I had written a very nice and heartfelt post. And wouldn't you know it? The Second I click save, the web program logged me out and lost my message. Go figure right? I promise this one won't be as good as the one lost in the ether. -------------- I just spent a large amount of time trying to clear a backlog of messages in the contact us email box. You might have gotten a duplicate reply, however- and more likely, you didn't get any reply at all. And for that I am sorry. I tried to come up with a reasonable compromise for working through messages that may have been replied to already, but still left in the mailbox and for messages that likely that had never been acknowledged or replied. Some messages that absolutely deserved a reply, no matter how old the message, they were answered/replied. For the others, I tried to reply to items that were actionable and still-somewhat time relevant. If you didn't get a reply, I hope you will forgive me and can understand. The Atlanta Radio Club is a volunteer organization. It is made up of Leaders and also members. If you are interested in the club doing something and we aren't doing it, please let us know. If you feel really passionately about it, please volunteer! It is always easier to have things get done when multiple people are willing to help. And remember, not all of us are computer or information technology people. Some of us are just plain crazy... I mean counselors/psychologists. (Not me, but some of us- and they are interesting to talk with as well, I am playfully teasing W4CLR if by some odd chance he makes it to the blog.) Anyway, I am using humor to try to make a point. It takes time and energy to run a club. And that time isn't usually easy coming highly productive fun flowing energy. It's "Free Time". Honestly I don't even know what free time is anymore, it's whatever time I can scrape together after Work, Family, Chores, etc. I imagine it's the same for other members of the club, they are just way nicer and more professional than me to actually say anything. Comments are closed.
AuthorMichael Miller, KI4RDP Archives
November 2020
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