Thanks for supporting us in 2024!
Welcome to Atlanta!
The Atlanta Hamfest committee is hard at work to bring a quality, highly anticipated Atlanta Hamfest in 2025 that everyone has come to enjoy over the years. Current Show Schedule Dates: Saturday, June 7, 2025 General Admission $10 Times: 8:00AM - 3:00PM Saturday Vendor/Exhibitor Setup :Friday June 6, 2025 12PM-6PM Vendor/Exhibitor/Tailgating Setup: Sat June 7, 6AM-8AM Location: Jim R. Miller Park - 2245 Callaway Rd SW, Marietta, GA 30008 98 Years of History Starting as a true Ham social event atop Stone Mountain to the east, what many have dubbed as "the largest exposed piece of granite in the world," members of the Atlanta Wireless Society, established in 1911, now known as The Atlanta Radio Club would climb the mountain and indulge in their love of the hobby and the fellowship associated with it. Today the event stands as one of the longest running and most popular events including swapping of gear, forums, build sessions, and great door prizes. Additional working club sponsors of the event include The Kennehoochee Amateur Radio Club. |
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Jim R. Miller Park
Forums & Presentations 2024
The Atlanta Hamfest is known for having some of the best Forums in the area! Be sure to check out the schedule as it is updated in the coming weeks , and plan your visit accordingly!

STEM In Our Schools - Tom Crowley KT4XN
Tom will discuss STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and his experiences with mentoring students in Radio Astronomy at Paul Duke STEM School. Tom also will discuss his work at GA Tech in having students view and operate the GA Tech/Space Force telescope on the island of Maui
STEM In Our Schools - Tom Crowley KT4XN
Tom will discuss STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) and his experiences with mentoring students in Radio Astronomy at Paul Duke STEM School. Tom also will discuss his work at GA Tech in having students view and operate the GA Tech/Space Force telescope on the island of Maui

Antenna Modeling - MMANA-GAL - Lee Johnson N4WYE
Optimize your antenna situation, Modeling Tool MMANA-GAL software is free, easy to learn, contains a large library of existing designs, and has a graphical user interface, provide you with access to the tools, share with you how to predict the SWR, impedances, and propagation patterns, and hopefully excite you to model your current, or new antennas that you envision.
Optimize your antenna situation, Modeling Tool MMANA-GAL software is free, easy to learn, contains a large library of existing designs, and has a graphical user interface, provide you with access to the tools, share with you how to predict the SWR, impedances, and propagation patterns, and hopefully excite you to model your current, or new antennas that you envision.

ARRL Strategy, Direction, and Events: Mickey Baker - N4MB & Hank Blackwood - KJ4HYJ

GA ARES: Lee Stone - KT4LS

Arduino Projects for the Ham Shack: Jeff Kashinsky - W2UA

Creating YouTube Channel for the Ham Club: Kevin Lgarzshi-Ball - W4KIB

APRS Foundation: Jeff Hochberg - W4JEW

APRSSISCE/32: Lynn Deffenbaugh - KJ4ERJ

Appalachian Trail Golden Packet: Jeff Hochberg - W4JEW

Get On The Air for HOA & Apartment Dwellers: Kevin Scott - K4GTR
State of the Art Facility
Jim R. Miller Park is a premier facility boasting a huge newly constructed convention space with air-conditioning and state of the art systems. The surrounding plaza is well know for one of the largest tailgating experiences in the southeast, as well as a great layout for RV camping on Friday nights. We have challenged ourselves to raise expectations and produce a quality experience in 2025 at this great facility.
Great Supporting Vendors
We would like to thank The Signman of Baton Rouge, Chatt Radio, The Wireman, Icom, TN07 Engineering, and MPD Digital Cables & Connectors for their continued support our event and other hamfest events.
For vendor, flea market and club table information,
contact John Talipsky N3ACK, [email protected]or 470-272-8940
We would like to thank The Signman of Baton Rouge, Chatt Radio, The Wireman, Icom, TN07 Engineering, and MPD Digital Cables & Connectors for their continued support our event and other hamfest events.
For vendor, flea market and club table information,
contact John Talipsky N3ACK, [email protected]or 470-272-8940
Free License Testing
Tests are administered usually starting in the Noon hour on Saturday of hamfest. Check this site the day before event for any last minute changes that might have occurred. Testing is conducted by the Atlanta VE Team, accredited by and affiliated with The Laurel Amateur Radio Club Volunteer Examiner Coordinator * (or just "Laurel VEC"). Their website contains information on all aspects of amateur radio license exams. For info on what to bring to the Atlanta Hamfest testing session, check out
We are currently putting together our treasure chest, check back for updates!
Like many hamfests, the Atlanta Hamfest has tailgating (or a swap meet or flea market if you prefer) where people sell their used stuff. Most of the tailgating takes place outdoors on the fairgrounds plaza.
Hands-on Build Sessions
Build an antenna session planned again for this year! Theyve been well attended in the past. Join Bill Perkins KB4KFT as he walks you through building your own simple dipole you can take home and throw up in a tree, ready to go. We're also working on some other projects to include, check back for updates!
Build an antenna session planned again for this year! Theyve been well attended in the past. Join Bill Perkins KB4KFT as he walks you through building your own simple dipole you can take home and throw up in a tree, ready to go. We're also working on some other projects to include, check back for updates!
If you would like to volunteer to help or have suggestions for demonstrations, events, forums, and activities you would like to see us add to the show, please email us and we'll work on it.
If you would like to volunteer to help or have suggestions for demonstrations, events, forums, and activities you would like to see us add to the show, please email us and we'll work on it.
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Atlanta Radio Club
Copyright © 2024 The Atlanta Radio Club, Inc.