UPCOMING EVENTS🗓 January Calendar
Friday Lunches
Date: Every Friday Time: 12:30 PM ET (1730Z) Location: Los Bravos Mexican Restaurant 2042 Johnson Ferry Rd NE Brookhaven, GA 30319 What3Words: ///kindest.supper.torches Website: losbravosmexicanrest.com Event: Monthly Atlanta Radio Club Meeting - To Be Anounced
Date: Thursday, February 2, 2025 Time: 7:30 p.m. ET (0030Z) Location: Zoom Only What3Words: Speaker Location: Zoom Abstract: Event: Second Sunday ARC/LARC Ham License Testing
Date: Sunday, January 12, 2025 Time: 12 p.m. ET (1700Z) Cost: FREE Location: DeKalb-Peachtree Airport (PDK) Administration Building Community Room #227 (Opposite side of building from Downwind Restaurant) 2000 Airport Road Atlanta, GA 30341 What3Words: ///admit.roofer.doped Details: https://atlantave.org/ Event: Winter Field Day 2025
Start Date: Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. ET (1600Z) End Date: Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 4:59 p.m. ET (2159Z) Cost: FREE Location: Sweetwater Creek State Park Park 1750 Mount Vernon Road Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Douglas County Group Shelter / Camp Area / Yurts We will use the Picnic Shelter. across from the yurts. (The main park entrance is 1750 Mt Vernon Road but we will be the other side of the road in Camping and Yurt area) What3Words: ///chaotic.silliest.couriers Description: The Atlanta radio club will be hosting a Winter Field Day outing at Sweetwater Creek State Park near Lithia Springs, GA. This year the event starts 11am Eastern on Saturday, January 25, 2025 ending at 4:59pm Sunday 26th (Sunday into Monday. Winter Field Day has gained in popularity over the past few years but is not as frantic and congested as ARRL Field Day in June. However, it is a great time to get out to operate portable, see what works and what does not, and learn b y doing. Plus you get to do eye-ball QSOs with folks you may only talk on the radio. And there will be enough other operators on the air to make on-air contacts certain. If you want to come out and set up - come on out and set up. If you don't have a radio come on out and see what we are doing; ideas are meant to be shared, and radios and antennas can be shared too. If you have a radio but no portable power supply come on out -- there will be extra batteries AND Anderson Power Poles can be installed on your power connections as needed. Some snacks, soft drinks and water, will be available. There will be some hardier food later in the evening, cooked on site or pizza pick up - we will decide on the day which. We also have reserved one of the Yurts for those who want to stay overnight. They are warm and comfortable and sleep six with ease. (If you want to stay over be sure to bring quilts or sleeping bags with you.) The location in the park is in the campground section, across the road from the main park entrance. You need a code to get in to the area; we will post it on the day. As Rob figured out last year the key pad at the camp area gate is on the LEFT side of the road. We will set up in the picnic shelter across from the yurts and adjacent to the restroom/shower building. Summary Location: Sweetwater Creek State Park Park Group Shelter / Camp Area / Yurts We will use the Picnic Shelter across from the yurts. (The main park entrance is 1750 Mt Vernon Road but we will be the other side of the road in Camping and Yurt area) What3Words: ///chaotic.silliest.couriers Date: Saturday, January 25, 2025 - Sunday, January 26, 2025 Starting: 11:00 EASTERN Saturday, the 25th (16:00 UTC) Someone will be on-site around 10:00am Ending: 16:59 EASTERN Sunday, the 26th (21:59 UTC) This is the ending time for Winter Field Day, We will probably start closing down the outing earlier Sunday. Event: Georgia Tech Amateur Radio Club / ARC License Testing Date: Sunday, January 26, 2024 Time: 2:30 p.m. ET (1930Z) Cost: $15 Location: Georgia Tech Van Leer Electrical Engineering Building Room W218 What3Words: ///lookout.idea.logic Map: HERE Details: HERE Event: GARS TechFest
Date: Saturday, February 1, 2025 Time: 8.30 a.m.. ET (1330Z) Cost: FREE Location: Gwinnett County Fairgrounds Expo Center Building 2405 Sugarloaf Pkwy Lawrenceville, GA 30045 What3Words: ///rattler.oblige.neater Details: ARC will have a table there. ` Event CalendarView our Groups.io calendar on the web here
Subscribe to our calendar (iCal, Google Calendar, Outlook, etc) https://groups.io/g/arc/ics/1861828/1377317764/feed.ics 2025 Summary of Meetings and Events
PAST EVENTSThis column is archived.
Previous ARC Events and Outings can be found on the Events and Outings page Links to past programs: 2008-2009 2010-2019 2020-2025 Event: Monthly Atlanta Radio Club Meeting - "Digital and FT8"- Steve Smith, KM4CJ Date: Thursday, January 2, 2025 Time: 7:30 p.m. ET (0030Z) Location: Zoom Only What3Words: Speaker Location: Zoom Abstract: Digital Modes has been a requested topic for a presentation since 2020. We're making that a reality this month. Steve will make two presentations: Digital Modes and FT8. In Digital Modes he talk about the most popular modes in use today. He'll present comparisons of the modes: what it does, who uses it , bandwidth, baud rate, error control, operating frequencies, etc. The presentation will be an overview. There are too many modes to discuss in detail in the time allotted so he'll only dive into the modes the attendees request. The other presentation is a deep dive into FT8. In addition to the technical information presented he'll show us what FT8 QSOs look like and he'll show us the operation of the most popular FT8 program: WSJTX. The presentation will be recorded and posted to Youtube. His presentation slide deck will also be available after the meeting. CLUB BYLAWS![]()
MEMBERSHIPFirst year FREE for new hams! (Details on Membership page)
Click here for details on how to join or renew your membership FREE LICENSE EXAMIn-person Second Sunday Free License Testing at Peachtree-DeKalb Airport (PDK) by the Laurel VEC
For more information: Meetings & Events An FCC Registration Number (FRN) is REQUIRED Detailed Rules: https://www.atlantave.team/rules.html FCC CORES Registration Results of our last test sessions at the Dekalb-Peachtree Airport:
We helped a ham whose license expired in the 1980s. He was a Technician then, which is equivalent to a General today. He took and passed the Technician test and will be reinstated with a General license. He was pretty happy. WORKED ALL GEORGIA AWARDThe Atlanta Radio Club, with the support of the Georgia Section of the ARRL, is proud to support the "Worked All Georgia" Award. The WAG Award is open to radio amateurs who can provide proof of two-way radio amateur radio contact with all 159 counties in the state of Georgia. This award is nice complement to the annual Georgia QSO Party, which in fact would be a good time to work on some of those hard-to-get counties. The award is embodied in a nice certificate.
More information can be found here. NETSEvery Sunday night - 8:00 PM ET
More details CLUB HISTORYThe Atlanta Radio Club (ARC) was founded in March 1911. It is believed to be the longest continually operating non-university club in Georgia (Georgia Tech was founded earlier). With over 100 members, ARC activities include meetings, operating events, training sessions, membership outings, and community service activities in Metro-Atlanta.
The ARC helps operate the Atlanta Hamfestival and owns, operates or supports 11 repeaters around the metro area. In an average month, the club will hold a regular membership meeting, a tech/training session or operating outing, publish the Atlanta Ham newsletter, have 8 lunch outings and host over 20 nets via club repeaters. SISTER Club - Geelong Amateur Radio Club - VK3ATLDid you know the Atlanta Radio Club has a sister club?
In 2010, Dallas Jones (VK3DJ) from Drysdale, Victoria in Australia visited the United States to meet some friends he met on the air. "During his travels, he visited the Atlanta Radio Club and from all accounts had a great time with the guys." BADGESThe official badge supplier of the ARC is The Signman of Baton Rouge.
Badges are $15.50 and can be ordered here.
2024/2025 Leadership TeamPresident - Bill Perkins (KB4KFT)
Vice President - John Talipsky Jr (N3ACK) Secretary and Treasurer - Ed Bevill (KO4SRJ) Member at Large - Val Bruce (WD4EX) Member at Large - Rob Osattin (KI4UTY) Newsletter Editor - John Talipsky (N3ACK) Program Director - Rob Osattin (KI4UTY) Web "master" - Rob Osattin (KI4UTY) Sunday Night Net Manager - Ade Shamblin (KJ4CUY) Repeater Trustees
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