UPCOMING EVENTSNovember Meeting - Jeff Stuparits, W4DD - Locating Power Line Interference and other RFI
Date: Thursday, November 2nd 2023 Time: 7:30 PM ET (2330Z) Location: Zoom -or- Meeting ID: 426 375 5765 Passcode: 791957 Speaker Location: Zoom Presentation: Last month, we heard all about the RF noise coming from Jupiter and other stellar sources. Unfortunately they aren't the only sources of noise that interferes with what we hear on our radios.. One of the stronger, terrestrial, sources are power lines. Jeff will tell us how he discovers the sources. Usually, the source is a transformer or other apparatus on top of a power pole somewhere in the neighborhood. Jeff will talk about the simple receiver he uses to pinpoint the noise. Once he finds it, he reports it to the power company and they service or replace the noisy device. Jeff's got this down to a science. We're lucky he'll be teaching us the methods he's developed over the years. Friday Lunches
(Next: October 20th @ 12:30 PM ET) The food is good and the company is better. Everyone is invited.
Date: Friday, October 20th Time: 12:30 PM ET (1730Z) Location: Mellow Mushroom 4058 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta GA 30319 🗓 October - November Calendar
Event: Monthly Atlanta Radio Club Meeting
Date: Thursday, October 5 2023 Time: 7:30 p.m. ET (2330Z) Location: Zoom Speaker Location: Zoom Event: ARC Friday Lunch
Date: Friday, October 6, 13, 20, 27 2023 Time: 12:30 p.m. (1630Z) - 2:00 p.m (1800Z) Location: Mellow Mushroom Pizza, Brookhaven Event: Second Sunday ARC/LARC Ham License Testing
Date: Sunday, October 8 2023 Time: 12 p.m. ET (1600Z) Cost: FREE Location: DeKalb-Peachtree Airport Administration Building Community Room #227 (Opposite side of building from Downwind Restaurant) 2000 Airport Road, Atlanta, GA 30341 Details: https://atlantave.org/ Event: ARC Second Sunday Operating Event
Date: Sunday, October 8 2023 Time: 2 p.m. ET (1800Z) Cost: FREE Location: Brook Run Park 4770 North Peachtree Rd. Dunwoody, GA 30338 Near TreeTopQuest Details: Stay Tuned Event: Georgia Tech Amateur Radio Club / ARC License Testing
Date: Sunday, October 22 2023 Time: 2:30 p.m. ET (1830Z) Cost: $15 Location: Georgia Tech Van Leer Electrical Engineering Building Room W218 Map: HERE Details: HERE Event: ARC Georgia State Parks on the Air - GASPOTA Operating Event
Date: Sunday, 28 2023 Time: 10 a.m. ET (1400Z) Cost: FREE Location: Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area Roswell, GA Details: Stay Tuned Event: Monthly Atlanta Radio Club Meeting
Date: Thursday, November 2 2023 Time: 7:30 p.m. ET (2330Z) Location: Zoom Speaker Location: Zoom Event: ARC Friday Lunch
Date: Friday, November 3,10,17,24 2023 Time: 12:30 p.m. (1730Z) - 2:00 p.m (1900Z) Location: Mellow Mushroom Pizza, Brookhaven Event: Stone Mountain Hamfest (ARC will have a table there)
Date: Saturday-Sunday, November 4-5 2023 Time: Saturday: 8 a.m ET (1300Z) - 4 p.m. ET (2100Z) Sunday: 8 a.m ET (1300Z) - 2 p.m. ET (1900Z) Location: Gwinnett County Fairgrounds 2405 Sugarloaf Pkwy Lawrenceville, GA Website: http://stonemountainhamfest.com/ Event: Second Sunday ARC/LARC Ham License Testing
Date: Sunday, November 12 2023 Time: 12 p.m. ET (1700Z) Cost: FREE Location: DeKalb-Peachtree Airport Administration Building Community Room #227 (Opposite side of building from Downwind Restaurant) 2000 Airport Road, Atlanta, GA 30341 Details: https://atlantave.org/ Event: ARC Second Sunday Operating Event
Date: Sunday, November 12 2023 Time: 2 p.m. ET (1900Z) Cost: FREE Location: Brook Run Park 4770 North Peachtree Rd. Dunwoody, GA 30338 Near TreeTopQuest Details: Stay Tuned Event CalendarView our Groups.io calendar on the web here
Subscribe to our calendar (iCal, Google Calendar, Outlook, etc) https://groups.io/g/arc/ics/1861828/1377317764/feed.ics 2023 Summary of Meetings and Events
PAST EVENTSThis column is archived.
Previous ARC Meetings can be found on the Previous Programs page Previous ARC Events and Outings can be found on the Events and Outings page October Meeting - Tom Crowley, KT4XN - Radio Signals from Jupiter
Date: Thursday, October 5th Time: 7:30 PM ET (2330Z) Location: Zoom -or- Meeting ID: 426 375 5765 Passcode: 791957 Speaker Location: Zoom Presentation: Tom will discuss the radio emissions from the planet Jupiter and the Radio Jove NASA project that focuses on detection of Jovian emissions and Corona Mass Ejections from the Sun. This is away to utilize your ham radio HF equipment to monitor these emissions This talk will lead into next month's talk: Locating Power Line Interference and other RFI by Jeff Stuparits, W4DD. Details on that presentation will be emailed later in the month and will be posted on our website. Tom’s Bio (supplied by Tom) I have been Chairman of the Board, Atlanta Astronomy Club, Past President, Society of Amateur Radio Astronomy (SARA), Chairmen of the Jupiter radio project for SARA, South East coordinator for the SETI League and am currently on staff at Georgia Tech in the Physics and Astronomy department. At Georgia Tech, I'm responsible for the implementation and maintenance of a remote optical telescope at the Space Force Maui Remote Experimental Station. The telescope utilizes both a CCD and video camera that are used for Outreach for Georgia students. My best Astronomy project was the coordination of a group of amateur radio astronomers who monitored the Comet Shoemaker/Levy impact into Jupiter at the Decametric frequencies. Well, it was a great success. We had twelve observers who were able to get accurate data in the decametric frequencies between 18 and 21 MHz. Our contribution verified several professional optical reports and we were the only folks to see one impact when the world’s optical observatories were under cloud cover. The data was accepted by NRAO and NASA and was used to coordinate the downloading impact from the Galileo spacecraft. I enjoy astro-photography with the optical telescope , and radio astronomy, looking at Cold Hydrogen in our galaxy with a radio telescope and the Radio Jove project. Career wise, I started with Boeing Aerospace on the Minuteman ICBM project and then spent 29 years with IBM. An opportunity for early retirement came up and I jumped at the chance. The last ten years were spent in international electronic communications with the highlight being a Vice President of a Metro Media company responsible for designing and building a European fiber backbone network. On a personal level, my wife, Lynn, and I have been happily married for 39 years and have we have four children We decided to take early retirement twenty one years ago and have not regretted the decision. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As you can see, Tom is an expert on many things. His talks are always informative, interesting and fun. Second Sunday in the Park (September 10 @ 2 PM ET) Date: Sunday, September 10th, 2023 Time: 2 PM ET (1800Z) - 5:30 PM (2130Z) Location: Brook Run Park sandwhich.clan.deserved (What3Words) 4770 North Peachtree Rd. Dunwoody, GA 30338 September is a cooler month though hurricanes sometimes make it windier in the Atlanta area. But that is not important right now. We participated in the Route 66 Special Event station where everyone was trying to make contact with all of the stations located on Route 66. It was a lot of fun. CLUB BYLAWS![]()
MEMBERSHIPFirst year FREE for new hams! (Details on Membership page)
Click here for details on how to join or renew your membership FREE LICENSE EXAMIn-person Second Sunday License Testing at Peachtree-DeKalb Airport (PDK) by the Laurel VEC
For more information: Meetings & Events An FCC Registration Number (FRN) is REQUIRED Detailed Rules: https://www.atlantave.team/rules.html FCC CORES Registration Results of our last test session on October 8, 2023
WORKED ALL GEORGIA AWARDThe Atlanta Radio Club, with the support of the Georgia Section of the ARRL, is proud to support the "Worked All Georgia" Award. The WAG Award is open to radio amateurs who can provide proof of two-way radio amateur radio contact with all 159 counties in the state of Georgia. This award is nice complement to the annual Georgia QSO Party, which in fact would be a good time to work on some of those hard-to-get counties. The award is embodied in a nice certificate.
More information can be found here. NETSEvery Sunday night - 8:00 PM ET
More details CLUB HISTORYThe Atlanta Radio Club (ARC) was founded in March 1911. It is believed to be the longest continually operating club in Georgia (Georgia Tech was founded earlier). With over 100 members, ARC activities include meetings, operating events, training sessions, membership outings, and community service activities in Metro-Atlanta.
The ARC helps operate the Atlanta Hamfestival and owns, operates or supports 11 repeaters around the metro area. In an average month, the club will hold a regular membership meeting, a tech/training session or operating outing, publish the Atlanta Ham newsletter, have 8 lunch outings and host over 20 nets via club repeaters. SISTER Club - Geelong Amateur Radio Club - VK3ATLDid you know the Atlanta Radio Club has a sister club?
In 2010, Dallas Jones (VK3DJ) from Drysdale, Victoria in Australia visited the United States to meet some friends he met on the air. "During his travels, he visited the Atlanta Radio Club and from all accounts had a great time with the guys." BADGESThe official badge supplier of the ARC is The Signman of Baton Rouge.
Badges are $13.50 and can be ordered here.
2023/2024 Leadership TeamPresident - Bill Perkins (KB4KFT)
Vice President - John Talipsky Jr (N3ACK) Secretary and Treasurer - Ed Bevill (KO4SRJ) Member at Large - Val Bruce (WD4EX) Member at Large - Rob Osattin (KI4UTY) Newsletter Editor - Tom Crowley (KT4XN) Program Director - Rob Osattin (KI4UTY) Web "master" - Rob Osattin (KI4UTY) Sunday Night Net Manager - Ade Shamblin (KJ4CUY) Repeater Trustees
Atlanta Radio Club
Copyright © 2023 Atlanta Radio Club, Inc.