UPCOMING EVENTSWe've resumed holding our monthly meetings at the Atlanta Red Cross. But many members are still avoiding indoor events so we'll still be meeting via Zoom.
https://zooDm.us/j/4263755765?pwd=Vzdva1NaODZxUDByQmplcjN4WG5zUT09 Meeting ID: 426 375 5765 Passcode: 791957 August Meeting - Club Election and Eric Wegner, K4FAN - Antennas 101
Date: Thursday, August 4th Time: 7:30 PM Program:
Atlanta Red Cross 1955 Monroe Dr NE, Atlanta, GA 30324 Note: The Atlanta Red Cross requires unvaccinated visitors, vendors and staff to wear masks inside the building. ZOOM teleconference.
https://zoom.us/j/4263755765?pwd=Vzdva1NaODZxUDByQmplcjN4WG5zUT09 Or Meeting ID: 426 375 5765 Passcode: 791957 Pre-Meeting Dinner The pre-meeting dinner will be at: Gino's NY Pizza 1740 Cheshire Bridge Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30324 We'll start gathering there at 5:30 PM but you can come any time. Friday Lunches (in person) are Back
(Next: July 22 @ 12:30 PM ET) The food is good and the company is better. Everyone is invited.
Date: Friday, July 22nd Time: 12:30 PM Location: Mellow Mushroom Brookhaven 4058 Peachtree Rd NE Atlanta, GA 30319 🗓 July - August Calendar
Event: ARC Friday Lunch
Date: Fridays, July 1,8,15,22,29 2022 Time: 12:30 p.m. (1630Z) - 2:00 p.m (1800Z) or thereabouts Location: Mellow Mushroom Pizza, Brookhaven Event: Monthly Atlanta Radio Club Meeting
Program: Jeff Hilliard, AK6OK Date: Thursday, July 7 2022 Time: 7:30 p.m. ET (2330Z) Location: Atlanta Red Cross (Live) AND Zoom Event: Second Sunday ARC Ham License Testing
Date: Sunday, July 10 2022 Time: 12 p.m. ET (1600Z) Cost: FREE Location: DeKalb-Peachtree Airport Administration Building Community Room #227 (Opposite side of building from Downwind Restaurant) 2000 Airport Road, Atlanta, GA 30341 Details: https://atlantave.org/ Event: ARC Friday Lunch
Date: Fridays, August 5,12,19,26 2022 Time: 12:30 p.m. (1630Z) - 2:00 p.m (1800Z) or thereabouts Location: Mellow Mushroom Pizza, Brookhaven Event: Monthly Atlanta Radio Club Meeting - Program: TBA
Date: Thursday, August 4 2022 Time: 7:30 p.m. ET (2330Z) Location: Atlanta Red Cross (Live) AND Zoom Event: Second Sunday ARC Ham License Testing
Date: Sunday, August 14 2022 Time: 12 p.m. ET (1600Z) Cost: FREE Location: DeKalb-Peachtree Airport Administration Building Community Room #227 (Opposite side of building from Downwind Restaurant) 2000 Airport Road, Atlanta, GA 30341 Details: https://atlantave.org/ Event CalendarView our Groups.io calendar on the web here
Subscribe to our calendar (iCal, Google Calendar, Outlook, etc) https://groups.io/g/arc/ics/1861828/1377317764/feed.ics 2022 Summary of Meetings and Events
PAST EVENTSThis column is archived.
Previous ARC Meetings can be found on the Previous Programs page Previous ARC Events and Outings can be found on the Events and Outings page 90th Annual Atlanta Hamfest
June 4 @ 8 AM ET Vendor tables, tail gate section, technical forums, club tables, GARS Antenna Launcher Contest, meeting your fellow hams, amateur radio license exams, Boy Scout merit badges, etc. It's Hamfest time.
Date: Saturday, June 4th Time: 8 AM Hamfest Page: HERE Location: Jim Miller Park 245 Callaway Rd SW, Marietta, GA 30008 July 2022July Meeting - Jeff Hilliard, AK6OK - Spectrum Analyzers and Oscilloscopes
Date: Thursday, July 7th Time: 7:30 PM Video: https://youtu.be/h1JCQg_pHzs We had another great presentation. Jeff Hilliard, AK6OK, gave us a hands-on demonstration of a spectrum analyzer and an oscilloscope. Demonstrations are better live than over Zoom but Jeff had multiple cameras so he could switch between his head shot, a camera on the device he was demonstrating and his computer display. The meeting started about 15 minutes late due to audio/visual problems at the Red Cross. We ended up moving to their Board room and giving up on a camera showing us in the room. We’ll try that again next month. Jeff’s first demonstration was of his spectrum analyzer. We learned that there are three controls that all spectrum analyzers have: center frequency, span (bandwidth) and voltage scale. He showed us that it displays a graph of frequency on the x-axis vs amplitude on the y-axis by hooking it up to a 70 cm (440MHz) antenna. Check out the video for details. He also demonstrated how the spectrum analyzer can be used to test filters by hooking up a band pass (notch) filter. We saw that the filter does not totally attenuate everything outside the band. There are “skirts” on either side of the passed band. Details are in the video. The biggest surprise (to us, at least) was that a spectrum analyzer can be used to show an antenna’s resonant frequencies. To do that you need a small accessory box that he had. There were no technical questions so we moved on to the oscilloscope demo. Jeff showed us the main controls for the x and y axes [this is the correct plural of axis] and demonstrated operations by injecting a square wave. Cool display. Check out the video for the complete demo. There were no questions about oscilloscopes so we thanked Jeff and ended the presentation. CLUB BYLAWS![]()
June Meeting (June 2 @ 7:30 PM ET)
MEMBERSHIPFirst year FREE for new hams! (Details on Membership page)
Click here for details on how to join or renew your membership FREE LICENSE EXAMIn-person Second Sunday License Testing at Peachtree-DeKalb Airport (PDK) has resumed!!
For more information: Meetings & Events An FCC Registration Number (FRN) is REQUIRED Detailed Rules: https://www.atlantave.team/rules.html FCC CORES Registration WORKED ALL GEORGIA AWARDThe Atlanta Radio Club, with the support of the Georgia Section of the ARRL, is proud to support the "Worked All Georgia" Award. The WAG Award is open to radio amateurs who can provide proof of two-way radio amateur radio contact with all 159 counties in the state of Georgia. This award is nice complement to the annual Georgia QSO Party, which in fact would be a good time to work on some of those hard-to-get counties. The award is embodied in a nice certificate.
More information can be found here. NETSEvery Sunday night - 8:00 PM ET
More details CLUB HISTORYThe Atlanta Radio Club (ARC) was founded in March 1911. It is believed to be the longest continually operating club in Georgia (Georgia Tech was founded earlier). With over 100 members, ARC activities include meetings, operating events, training sessions, membership outings, and community service activities in Metro-Atlanta.
The ARC helps operate the Atlanta Hamfestival and owns, operates or supports 11 repeaters around the metro area. In an average month, the club will hold a regular membership meeting, a tech/training session or operating outing, publish the Atlanta Ham newsletter, have 8 lunch outings and host over 20 nets via club repeaters. SISTER Club - Geelong Amateur Radio Club - VK3ATLDid you know the Atlanta Radio Club has a sister club?
In 2010, Dallas Jones (VK3DJ) from Drysdale, Victoria in Australia visited the United States to meet some friends he met on the air. "During his travels, he visited the Atlanta Radio Club and from all accounts had a great time with the guys." BADGESThe official badge supplier of the ARC is The Signman of Baton Rouge.
Badges are $13.50 and can be ordered here.
2021/2022 Leadership TeamPresident - John Talipsky Jr (N3ACK)
Vice President - Skip Kazmarek (K4EAK) Secretary and Treasurer - Ade Shamblin (KJ4CUY) Member at Large - Bill Perkins (KB4KFT) Member at Large - Rob Osattin (KI4UTY) Newsletter Editor - Tom Crowley (KT4XN) Program Director - Rob Osattin (KI4UTY) Web "master" - Rob Osattin (KI4UTY) Repeater Trustees
Atlanta Radio Club
Copyright © 2022 Atlanta Radio Club, Inc.