2/28/2021 (reconfirmed 4/19) Our 2m repeater is running in stand-alone mode for the time being. This means that:
Upcoming Events
May 6th Meeting
Our May program will be announced shortly.
🗓 April Calendar
Event: Monthly Atlanta Radio Club Meeting
Date: Thursday, April 1, 2021 (April Fools' Day) Time: 7 p.m. ET (2300Z) Location: Zoom. To join the meeting, click here. Event: ARC Georgia QSO Party (GQP) event in the park Date: Saturday, April 10, 2021 Time: 12:00 noon ET (1600Z) to 8 p.m. ET (0000Z) Location: Brook Run Park in Dunwoody, near the Treetop Quest attraction. (33.9355022,-84.3032829) MAP Talk-in:
The ARC will hold an outdoor event the first day of the GQP. We'll set up radios and we'll get everyone who wants to be on the air on the air, regardless of license class. Even non-hams will be able to get on the air. Covid-19 protocols will be followed. Drinks and snacks will be provided. Dinner, too, if we still have a crowd. Also, don't forget our groups.io calendar here Future Meetings and Events
May: June: July: August: This column is archived on the Previoius Programs page
At Our Last Meeting. . . We had two excellent speakers at our April meeting. First, Jeff Clarke, KU8E, told us all about the 61st Annual Georgia QSO Party (GQP), which will be held in two weeks (April 10-11, 2021) It's an annual competition where amateurs outside of Georgia attempt to make as many contacts with amateurs in Georgia as they can. This will make Georgia amateurs pretty popular that weekend so we will we able to make lots of contacts. Jeff mentioned that the QGP website URL had changed since last year. The new GQP URL is http://gaqsoparty.com. Jeff went over the rules for Georgia Stations and non-Georgia Stations. All stations get one point for each SSB contact and two points for each CW contact. Georgia stations multiply their number of contacts by the number of unique US States (0-51 (DC counts, too)) + Canadian Provinces (0-13). Non-Georgia stations multiply their number of contacts by the number of unique Georgia counties (0-159) that they talk to. People in Georgia can get in their cars and operate from as many counties as they can. Awards are given to individuals and clubs who get the most points in 37 categories. The ARC sponsors the award for the Georgia Club with the highest score. More details can be found on the GQP website and in the video of the meeting, which will be posted to YouTube shortly. If you missed any of this presentation or you would like to hear it again, tune in to the Southeast Contest Club's zoom meeting on Monday, April 6 at 7:30 p.m. ET. The ARC will hold an outdoor event so we can participate in the GQP. The event details are in the April Calendar above. Our main speaker, Lee Johnson, N4WYE, gave an excellent presentation on the NanoVNA analyzer. He explained the functions of the NanoVNA. In addition to measuring SWR and reflected power, it can locate breaks in cables, generate Smith Charts, measure the transmit pattern for an antenna, find its nulls, measure the velocity factor (VF) of a feedline and antenna, test filters and much more. For $50, it will give the amateur the equivalent of a $50,000 professional analyzer. Lee showed diagrams of the internal structure of the NanaVNA and he showed videos of the operation of the NanoVNA in several scenarios. The ARC will be using a NanoVNA at the GQP event in 2 weeks to measure the performance of antennas we'll string up in the trees at the park. Lee said that he's available via email if anyone needs NanoVNA help in the future. [email protected]. Thanks, Lee. He also provided a slide of resources for further NanoVNA education. And he recommended the "Absolute Beginner's Guide to the NanoVNA". It can be found here. The video of the meeting is available on YouTube here. You'll also be able to find it and our past videos by searching for "The Atlanta Radio Club" on YouTube. Slides are available: Georgia QSO Party: (will be posted shortly) NanoVNA: PDF • PowerPoint • Keynote Due to restrictions placed on public gatherings, our meetings are still online. Video Timeline
2020/2021 Leadership Team
President - John Talipsky Jr (N3ACK) Vice President - Michael Miller (KI4RDP) Secretary and Treasurer - Ade Shamblin (KJ4CUY) Member at Large - Val Bruce (WD4EX) Member at Large - Rob Osattin (KI4UTY) Newsletter Editor - Tom Crowley (KT4XN) Program Director - Rob Osattin (KI4UTY) Repeater Trustees
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Georgia QSO PArty 2021 PhotosClick here to see photos from the ARC Georgia QSO Party 2021 event!
MembershipFirst year FREE for new hams! (Details on Membership page)
Click here for details on how to join or renew your membership Free License ExamBecause of COVID-19, we must cancel our VE License Exam Sessions. We will assess the situation each month and resume our free license testing as soon as possible.
For more information: Meetings & Events An FCC Registration Number (FRN) is REQUIRED Detailed Rules: https://www.atlantave.team/rules.html FCC CORES Registration NetsEvery Sunday night - 8:00 PM ET
More details Club History
The Atlanta Radio Club (ARC) was founded in March 1911. It is believed to be the longest continually operating club in Georgia (Georgia Tech was founded earlier). With over 100 members, ARC activities include meetings, operating events, training sessions, membership outings, and community service activities in Metro-Atlanta.
The ARC helps operate the Atlanta Hamfestival and owns, operates or supports 11 repeaters around the metro area. In an average month, the club will hold a regular membership meeting, a tech/training session or operating outing, publish the Atlanta Ham newsletter, have 8 lunch outings and host over 20 nets via club repeaters. Sister Club - Geelong Amateur Radio Club - VK3ATL
Did you know the Atlanta Radio Club has a sister club? In 2010, Dallas Jones (VK3DJ) from Drysdale, Victoria in Australia visited the United States to meet some friends he met on the air. "During his travels, he visited the Atlanta Radio Club and from all accounts had a great time with the guys." Atlanta Radio ClubCopyright © 2021